My name is Giovanna, I was born in what they call the ‘selva de pedras’ (jungle of stones), São Paulo in Brazil. I moved to Turin at the age of 12 because of my dad’s job at FIAT. Over time, Turin has become my home and a place I love deeply. Through the Migrantour project, however, I was able to get to know aspects of the city that I did not yet know. For example, all the history and mixture of cultures that can be found at the Porta Palazzo Market, or all the religious diversity that is enclosed in a single district of the city, namely San Salvario.
Migrantour, however, has also helped me rediscover my history and my origins. Many times we take many things for granted, and the fact that we have to make a study of ourselves and our roots also makes us more aware of the fact that we are all citizens of the world.
Turin is the city of contemporary art par excellence, and by combining my passion for it and my desire to give back a different way of seeing the city, I created my Migrantour itinerary, which sees at each stage the description of a work or an artist linked to a different culture. Art has always helped me tell my story, it is a faithful companion and everything I do, and the fact that I can use it to describe important places in my city makes me very proud!