“Smile, Care, Learn, Move, and Inspire” – that’s my motto. ‘I’m from Lagos, Nigeria, where I grew up with a communal lifestyle. I moved to the Netherlands for family reasons. I’ve been involved with many social and community-based projects to promote links among people with diverse experiences and cultural backgrounds. I’m passionate about respect, interactions, inclusion, and health. I enjoy music, nature, public speaking, traveling, exchanging knowledge, and making meaningful connections with people, for social impact and a better world. That’s why I participate in the Migrantour project. The most interesting stop on our tour for me is De Voorkamer – it’s “The World in One Magical Space”. My friends and I believe that there’s no understanding of migration without vibration – in other words, our perceptions can be enriched when we really connect with each other. Will you walk with us so we can learn together?