Towards nextMarch 8th, International Women’s Day, Migrantour Network is pleased to offer FOR FREE its intercultural tours, urban itineraries guided by intercultural companions and realized to help people discover our cities as well as the most multicultural neighborhood of each city from foreign citizens’ point of view and voice.
The walks are starting on Friday, March 8th , in Naples where Casba Società Cooperativa Sociale offers only to women 4 free walks guided by intercultural guides of Migrantour of different nationalities. The initiative is part of the exhibition “Se tutte le Donne del Mondo … ” promoted by the Mayor’s Delegate for Equal Opportunities. The first walk, scheduled for Friday, March 8th, 2019, at 10:30 a.m., is led by Laura, a Neapolitan with maternal origins from Sri Lanka. Laura will guide the participants to the discovery of cultures and cults that live and coexist in the Pendino district. Among the stops of the walk, a stop at the Mosque for a feminine look at Islam (go to the Facebook event).
Saturday, March 9th Viaggi Solidali promotes a walk in Turin with storytelling at Porta Palazzo in collaboration with the FAI of Turin as part of the training course “FAI bridge between cultures”, aimed at encouraging the participation of citizens of foreign origin and migrant communities in local cultural life, in a process of mutual exchange and learning and in view of a common heritage to know, respect, love and safeguard. Also on Saturday, March 9th, the first storytelling walk continues in Genoa, with a tour to Rome at 3 p.m. to the Esquilino together with the International House of Women and, finally, to Milan with a calendar walk (extra-project) in Via Padova (for detailed information go to the Facebook event).
In Pavia with Progetto Con-Tatto on March 9th from 10 am to 12 am there will be the Migrantour walk open to citizens included in the program for March 1 “24 hours without us”: the walk will start from the covered bridge through Corso Garibaldi up to Piazza vittoria where it will be installed a photo exhibition by the Committee Pavia Asti Senegal that will offer an intercultural aperitif and will present the projects of Cooperation in Casamance, south of Senegal. Participation will be free and by reservation: info@progettocontatto.it (go to the Facebook event).
Cagliari also celebrates Women’s Day, with Amici di Sardegna Onlus that Friday, March 15th organizes a walk dedicated to the figure of the woman who crosses all cultures.
In Lisbon, the partners of Renovar a Mouraria will make a welcome tour, a welcome walk to new migrants, addressed for the occasion to a group of women ………. Useful and extremely important occasions to underline the proximity of the Project MIGRANTOUR and of the partners who have been carrying it forward for years to all those who decide to set out on the road. With these initiatives Migrantour project and network partners want to express their support to anyone who decides to migrate.
Finally, it should be noted that Friday, March 8th Next Generation Italy collaborates as a partner in the women’s evening entirely dedicated to the new Italian generations. entitled “This Must Be the Place“, promoted as part of “Atlas of Transitions Biennale”, which will be held from 1st to 10th March in Bologna. The evening, which will begin at 21.30 and will be held at the DAMSlab, will be hosted by Mary Martins, a young singer and actress who will be the main theme throughout the evening. Ferdaous Harfi, an artist who experiments with Arabic calligraphy together with Western calligraphy, will then take the stage. It will then be the turn of Wissal Elloubab, a very young fashion blogger who overlooks the world of fashion modest and of whom she is the spokesperson. At the end of the women’s evening we will see the entrance of Mariam Rouass, a young singer who loves to experiment in music through sounds and personal verses. On this occasion Next Generation has been the bridge between the new generation girls who face the world of art and the organization of the biennial, allowing the girls to show during the evening their skills and characteristics but also to carry on our goal of making Italy more and more intercultural and modern.
The program, in the various cities, is still being defined. We will update this page as you go: alternatively you can get in direct contact with the individual partners or follow them on Facebook!
Our tours are realized within the framework of the EU project “NEW ROOTS – Migrantour intercultural walks building bridges for newcomers active participation”, funded by EU Asylum, Migration and Integration Fund, and promoted by ACRA, Oxfam Italia, Viaggi Solidali, Baština, Terra Vera, Renovar A Mouraria, CRESCER, Alter Brussels and Casba Società Cooperativa Sociale and the framework of the Italian project “Le nostre città invisibili”, funded by the Italian Agency for development cooperation, and promoted by Viaggi Solidali, ACRA, Oxfam Italia, Casba Società Cooperativa Sociale, Trame di Quartiere, Amici di Sardegna ONLUS, Contatto Cooperativa Sociale ONLUS, Fondazione ISMU, Next Generation Italy, Pubblicità Progresso, Comune di Milano, Comune di Torino e Università di Bologna.