Towards December 18th, International Day for the Rights of Migrants, as part of the ongoing European Project, until the end of this year, NEWS ROOTS, some cities of the Migrantour Network offer FREE intercultural walks, urban routes led by intercultural escorts, migrant citizens, to discover through their eyes and their voices the most multi-ethnic neighborhoods of our cities.
It starts from Milan, where on Wednesday, December 18h Acra, together with Prospekt Photographers, will be involved in a project at Parco Trotter linked to the “Open Schools” initiative, which will also involve the intercultural walks of MIGRANTOUR and its companions, entitled “TrottErrando”: a narrative project that will use maps, photos and videos to tell the story of the territory in which the Istituto Comprensivo Casa del Sole and Parco Trotter are located. Together with the participating children and the teachers of the institute, they will reread their territory, developing and leaving by heart their very personal vision of the neighborhood, consisting of maps, photos and videos made by the students during the course of education, starting from the home-school route, thanks to various multimedia tools and experience gained through our intercultural walks Migrantour.
There will be initiatives abroad thanks to European partners: for example in Lisbon, where Renovar A Mouraria, will be promoted a walk with storytelling on Wednesday, December 18th, to celebrate this day.
In Paris, Wednesday, December 18th, there will be a visit promoted by Baština Voyages Si loin Si proche of the exhibition “Paris-London” Music Migrations with Anna Lancement of Motion design entitled “Migrations: we share our wealth” at the Museum of the History of Immigration (10:15 – 12:15 at the Palais de la Porte Dorée 293, avenue Daumesnil 75012 Paris – Metro Porte Dorée Line 8 direction Créteil).
In Lubiana with Terra Vera is scheduled for Wednesday, December 18th a welcome tour in collaboration with the Museum of Modern Art in Ljubljana.
In Rome, finally, Viaggi Solidali will propose an intercultural walk to the Esquilino for this special occasion, Saturday, December 21th.
The MIGRANTOUR network never stops……… Stay connected!
The program, in the various cities, is still being defined. We will update this page as you go: alternatively you can get in direct contact with the individual partners or follow them on Facebook!
Our tours are realized within the framework of the EU project “NEW ROOTS – Migrantour intercultural walks building bridges for newcomers active participation”, funded by EU Asylum, Migration and Integration Fund, and promoted by ACRA, Oxfam Italia, Viaggi Solidali, Baština, Terra Vera, Renovar A Mouraria, CRESCER, Alter Brussels and Casba Società Cooperativa Sociale and the framework of the Italian project “Le nostre città invisibili”, funded by the Italian Agency for development cooperation, and promoted by Viaggi Solidali, ACRA, Oxfam Italia, Casba Società Cooperativa Sociale, Trame di Quartiere, Amici di Sardegna ONLUS, Contatto Cooperativa Sociale ONLUS, Fondazione ISMU, Next Generation Italy, Pubblicità Progresso, Comune di Milano, Comune di Torino e Università di Bologna.