Malta is the newest addition to the Migrantour network thanks to the Erasmus+ Project: “ORRAJT – On the Road: new Routes, Alternative Journeys and fair Tracks. Challenging perspectives on migration, walking different narratives”. The project aims to bring the Migrantour’s philosophy in Malta, organizing intercultural tours led by migrant citizens which celebrate migration’s cultural contributions to the island. GMD Training and Consultancy Services Ltd., a Maltese organization specialized in intercultural management and interreligious dialogue is the local partner which is leading the project implementation on the island.
The project started in September and in December, the GMD team flew to Milan to meet with the network coordinator and Italian project partners, ACRA and Viaggi Solidali, for a 2-days kick-off meeting. Here GMD met with the founders of the project, and during the meetings goals, hopes, challenges and fears were discussed. The GMD team also had the chance to try an intercultural walk in Via Padova, with senior intercultural companion Dayana. It was extremely useful for the project and the GMD team to exchange views and expectations with people who have already experienced what it means to set up itineraries, and also to get to know intercultural companions who explained their role and reflections.
Once the GMD team went back with the new insights gained from the meeting, it focused on the local level, working on the feasibility study, to understand at best the territory, its history, and the migration waves and communities on the islands.
At GMD, we are excited for the next steps of the project and we will keep the whole network updated on the progress!