In these times when it is so difficult to travel abroad, Migrantour itineraries are an even more precious opportunity not to forget the rest of the world and to appreciate the cosmopolitan character of European cities. Cultures, religions, traditions, flavours and stories are a powerful tool to create connections between people from different origins and backgrounds.
In response to the unprecendented challenge posed by the pandemic to our societes and to the tourism sector, Migrantour’s network is developing thanks to two projects within the European Erasmus+ programme.
Through “Migrantour Sustainable Routes” we are designing new itineraries enriched with audio-video content inspired by the principles of the 2030 Agenda and creating a digital archive of interactive maps of Migrantour routes across Europe.
On the other hand, “Rural Migrantour” is bringing for the first time our project outside the urban environment, reaching a variety of rural, mountain, island and border areas where mobility plays a crucial role in the development of the local tangible and intangible cultural heritage.
While our network consolidates and expands, the intercultural walks in all Migrantour cities do not stop. Check the News section of this website and the FB pages of our local partners to stay up-to-date on the next initiatives!