I’m originally from Mexico, but I’ve been living in Barcelona since 2004. I studied journalism in Mexico.
I am interested in migration and intercultural issues. I am currently an activist for human rights in Mexico in the organisation Taula per Mèxic, which among other things provides shelter in Barcelona for Mexican journalists threatened with death in Mexico. I have written about Latin American exile in Barcelona in the writing collective En palabras. I think we need to give more visibility to migrants’ stories, above all to break down stigmas. I’m sure that this will help to create more empathetic and supportive societies. I am currently working on a podcast about Latin American migrant women in Barcelona. I am doing a radio residency at La Bonne, a women’s cultural centre. I think the mainstream media puts a negative light on migration as they reinforce stereotypes or victimise, these narratives are far from reality and do not contribute to a more reflective view. I’m taking part in Migrantour because it seems to me that migration is still seen as a problem in Spain and in many countries, so a project like this can help to change the prevailing narrative and it’s also important that the people of Barcelona put a face and a voice to migrants because we are not just figures, we are cultures, knowledge, sounds… and another thing that seems fundamental to me is that through these routes, we migrants have control over our story, we tell our story, it’s not a third party who observes us and then writes about us, we tell our own story.