On 26th October, Migrantour Bergamo experimented with a new type of walk which testifies to the infinite possibilities of the Migrantour format to adapt to varied contexts and to integrate into the context of broader cultural projects and reviews.
The Rural Migrantour ‘Cultures in Motion’ walk was proposed as an event within the cultural review hosted by the recently renovated Ostello del Monte di Nese and represented an opportunity for the inhabitants of the mountain and for those from other parts of the province to learn about the stories of migration that have affected this mountainous area of the Province of Bergamo, testifying to the fact that human migration flows are closely rooted in the history of all places and not only of urbanised contexts.
Guided by our intercultural companion Roxana, the participants in the walk immersed themselves in the beauty of the mountain landscape tinged with autumn colours, stopping at places of historical and cultural interest, the headquarters of organisations in the area, and local farms that offered samples of their products.
Through storytelling, the participants in the walk immersed themselves in History through the tales of the Second World War: it was precisely at Monte di Nese, in fact, that some soldiers from Azerbaijan under the orders of Nazi-Fascist troops (long recognised by the local population as Mongols) decided to desert and offer their support to the Bergamasque partisans, a choice that cost them their lives at the hands of the occupying forces.
The walk was enriched by the personal stories of those who every day live the reality of Monte di Nese and the challenges associated with community life in a mountainous territory; the stories of Don Luciano, Nonna Dina, Barbara and Luigi were an opportunity for connection and comparison.
This experiment with the Rural format turned out to be a success, both for the success of the event and the resonance that was given to stories that tend not to receive the visibility they deserve, and for the human connections created and the future possibilities of collaboration in the organisation of events like this.