I am a graphic designer and I was born in Romania. I came to Barcelona for a master’s in editorial design in 2011, I found a job and I fell in love with the city.
When I heard about Migrantour, I got so excited there was this beautiful way of showing my country from another perspective. Being an intercultural companion brings me a lot of happiness with every tour, the interest of the people to know more about other cultures, and their empathy. With dialogue it is so easy to bring people together, to show them we are all so different but so alike.
The tours are in Raval, one of the neighborhoods that are not very well seen in Barcelona. It is said it’s dangerous, but during the tour the people realize not only that is not true, but that there are so many beautiful people doing beautiful things in Raval and that is so much worth it. Top Manta is one of my favorite spots, it is an alive example of what people can do together, and how these connections can make BIG changes in the world.