

My name is María Luisa, but everybody calls me Malù in my hosting country and my country of origin. I was born in Arequipa, the ciudad blanca, in the south of Peru. I am the youngest of 5 children, the only daughter, I have always been very curious, restless, I wanted to discover the world, meet people… I was a member of a traditional dances group I often went to other towns or neighboring countries (Brazil, Chili and Bolivia) for our shows. In 2002, our group was invited to take part in some festivals in Italy: as it was my opportunity to get my visa for Europe, I decided to leave my Psychology studies and my job as an English and dance teacher and to stay in Italy after our tour. This is how my life here began, to give it a try, as intercultural Malù: I remember arriving in Milan on 16th August, there were no Italians in town and I heard languages I had never heard before on public transport. I was surprised, intrigued but confused! After two months in this large town, when I did not find any job, a friend of mine living in Genoa invited me to go there. He really liked it and had met many warm people who could also help me. I therefore packed again and I left for this town that enchanted me. Arequipa is at 2,300 m.a.s.l., as I found out and day by day I am still discovering the beauty of the sea. I love to go and walk at the harbor, look up and see colorful houses climbing the hills. And I also love to walk for carruggi, in this magical maze full of history and stories. In Genoa, I immediately found some jobs as a cleaning lady or as a babysitter, but I really need to find something reconnecting me to my previous world: school. I found out about Genoa Migrations Laboratory, organizing intercultural workshops for schools. I applied to volunteer. They told me about the Degree in Intercultural Communication and I decided to enroll the following year. After my three-year degree, I completed my Bachelor’s degree in Cultural Anthropology and Ethnology. I am currently working as a cultural and educational mediator in different schools of the town and with asylum seekers. I look forward to showing you my Zena (this is how people from Genoa call it)!